Friday, June 25, 2004

Games Played

Ever wonder what games we have played... and how often?
Such questions can overwhelm a Wagster's thought, rendering him/ her incapable of more fruitful endeavours... like laundry or ... sorry what was I saying?

Anyway, to alleviate such problems,here is a compiled a list of Wagtser's Games Played.

P: Pick
W: Winner

May 10th - (P:E) Fury of Dracula (W:E), Transmarica x2 (W:S,S)
March 29th - (P:E) Carcassonne - The City (W:S), Jyhad (not finished), Santiago (W:S)
March 22nd - (P:K) Guillotine (W:?), Royal Turf (W:?), Louis XIV (W:S), Theophrastus (W:?)
March 15th - (P:L) Jungle Speed x3 (W:Sonja,Sonja,Sonja), Power Grid (W:S), Poison (W:Sonja)
March 8th - (P:S) Illuminati CCG (W:E), Vampire - Prince of the City (W:K)
March 1st - (P:E) El Grande (W:S), Bohnanza (W:L), China (W:S), Modern Art (W:E)
February 22nd - (P:K) Fantasy Business x2 (W:S,S), Royal Turf (W:K), Cash n' Guns (W: E,S)
February 15th - (P:E) Through the Desert x2 (W:E,K), Formula De (W:K), RoboRally (W:?)
February 8th - (P:L) Diamant (W:Robin), Tikal x2 (W:JayWowzer, Robin), Antike (W:E), Saboteur (W:?)
February 1st - (P:S) Hero System RPG (W: Everyone, and no one), High Society x2 (W:K,S)
January 25th - (P:Shamus) Settlers of Catan (W:Shamus), Railroad Tycoon (W:E)
January 18th - (P:E) Carcassonne - The City (W:E), China x2 (W:?,?), Pueblo (W:L), Formula Motor Racing x3 (W:Purple Bot)
January 11th - (P:L) Vinci (W:L), Santiago (W:Sonja)
January 4th - (P:S) Railroad Tycoon (W:K), Diamant x4
December 14th - (P:K) Midway (Incomplete)
December 7th - (P:E) Conspiracy (W:L), Intrige (W:E), Paranoia (W:Sonja)
November 30th - (P:L) Puerto Rico (W:E), Power Grid (W:S)
November 23rd - (P:K) Ideology (W:S), Unexploded Cow (W:S)
November 16th - (P:S) For Sale, Traders of Genoa (W:E), Ra (W:L)
November 9th - (P:E) Through the Desert x2 (W:L,K), China (W:E,L), Tower of Babel (W:S,E)
November 2nd - (P:L) Domaine (W:K), Tikal (W:K), Paranoia! (W:L)
October 26th - (P:Holloween Special Edition) Betrayal at House on the Hill x2 (W:K+L+S, E+K+L+S), Zombies! (W:E)
October 19th - (P:S) Hero System RPG (W: Everyone, and no one), Tower of Babel (W:E)
October 12th - (P:K) Monsters Menace America (W:E), Tikal (W:L)
October 5th - (P:E) Carcassonne+ ALL expansions (W:L), Duel of Ages w/ 3 player Cutthroat Rules (W:E)
September 28th - (P:J) Robo Rally (W:J), Arkham Horror (W:Everyone)
September 21st - (P:L) Puerto Rico (W:E), Princes of FLorence (W:E), For Sale! x2 (W:S,SEK)
September 14th - (P:S) Way Out West (W:L), Colossal Arenax2 (W:S,E)
September 7th - (P:K) Can't Stop (W:K), U.S. Patent #1 (W:L), Intrige x2 (W:E,S)
August 31st - (P:T) Hearts, Poker (W: Various)
August 24th - (P:S) Shadows over Camelot (W:S as traitor), El Grande (W:K)
August 17th - (P:E) RoboRally (W:E), Power Grid (W:E), Colossal Arena (W:K)
August 10th - (P:L) Arham Horror (W:orange bot)
August 3rd - (P:S) Ticket to Ride: Europe (W:S), Pueblox3 (W:E,E,L)
July 27th - (P:K) Colossal Arena (W:)
July 20th - (P:K) Doom (W:K)
July 13th (P:E) Shadows over Camelotx2 (W:E as traitor, group loss), Pueblo (W:S)
July 6th (P:S) Beyond the Supernatural RPG (W: Everyone... and no one), Bohnanza (W:E)
June 29th - Skipped
June 22nd (P:?) Bohnanza and others
June 15th (P:E) Traders of Genoa (W:L) Pirate's Cove (W:Incomplete)
June 8th (P: K) Way Out West x2 (W:L,E)
June 1st (P: L) Star Wars: Epic Duels x2 (W: K+L, L+S), Lowenhertz x2 (W: S,E)
May 25th (P:J) Power Grid (W:E) Fairy Tale (W:K,E)
May 18th (P:S) Beyond the Supernatural RPG (W: Everyone... and no one)
May 11th (P:?) Robo-Rally (W:E), Settlers of Catan (W:K)
May 4th (P:K) They've invaded Pleasantville (W:L/S), The Awful Green Things from Outer Space (W:K/L), Zero! (W:K)
April 27th (P:E) Ticket to Ride:Europe (W:L), Carcassonne: Princess and the Dragon (W:E), High Society x3 (W: K,S,Orange Bot)
April 20th (P:L) Pirate's Cove (W:S), Domaine (W:E), High Society x3 (W:K,E,S)
April 11th (P:S) Beyond the Supernatural RPG (W: Everyone... and no one)
April 6th (P: K) Witch Trial (W:E), Ra x2 (W:J,K)
March 28th (P:E) Carcassonne x2 (W:S,E), Traders of Genoa (W:K)
March 23rd (P:L) Puerto rico x2 (W:S,T),Formula-Motor Racing (W:L)
March 14th (P:S) Beyond the Supernatural RPG (W: Everyone... and no one)
MArch 9th (P:E) El Grande (W:T), Duel of Ages (W:E+K)
March 2nd Cancelled
February 23rd (P:K) Zero! x2 (W: Tie, Easy+Kozure), Battle Cry/Memoir '44 (W:E/S), Unexploded Cow x2 (W:L,E)
February 16th (P:S) Beyond the Supernatural RPG (W: Everyone... and no one)
February 9th (P:L) Carcassonne (W:K), LOTR Risk (W:E)
February 2nd (P:E) LOTR Sauron (W: E (as Sauron)), Modern Art (W:E)
January 26th (P:K) Formula De x2 (W:K,L), Formula- Motor Racing (W:S)
January 19th (P:S) Mystery of the Abbey (W:S), Captain Park's... (W:K), Conspiracy (W:S)
January 12th (P:L) Tigris and Euphrates x2 (W:S,S), Blokus x2 (W:S,L)
January 5th (P:E) Princes of Florence (W:E), Pirate's Cove (W:S), Blokus x2 (W:E, W: Tie E/K)
December 29th Cancelled for holidays
December 22nd (P:K) Wreckage x2 (W:T,K), Gammarauders (unfinished)
December 15th (P:S) Robo-Clix (W:E), Kung Fu Samurai on Robot Island (W:L)
December 8th (P:L) Ticket to Ride x2 (W:Luch, Kozure), Pirate's Cove x2 (W:Shemp,Luch)
December 1st (P:E) El Grande (W:Shemp), LOTR RISK (W:Luch)
November 24th (P:K) Falling! x5 (W:Nobody), Chez Geek x2 (W:Luch, Shemp), Chrononauts (W:Shemp), Star Munchkin (W:Easy)
November 17th (P:S) Domaine x2 (W:Shemp, Luch), Tigris and Euphrates (W:Shemp)
November 10th (P:L) Traders of Genoa (W:Shemp), Modern Art x2 (W:Shemp, Easy)
November 3rd ("Hail to the Thief" Special Edition) Taboo (W:Shemp+Easy), Ideology x2 (W: Shemp, Easy)
October 27th (Holloween Special Edition) Betrayal at House on the Hill x2 (W:Luch, Shemp), Modern Art x2 (W: Kozure, Easy)
October 20th (P:Kozure) Civilization (Concluded! W:Tili)
October 13th (P:Easy) Citadels (W:Kozure), Bang! (W:Shemp),Deadwood (W: Kozure),Robo-Rally (W:Shemp)
October 6th (P:NA) Civilization (Continued, still unfinished)
September 29th (P: Luch) Civilization (unfinished)
September 22 (P:Shemp) Pirates Cove x3 (W:Easy, Shemp, Luch)
September 15th - Cancelled
September 8th (P:Kozure)Duel of Ages (W:Easy+Kozure)
September 1st (P: Easy) Duel of Ages (W:Easy+????)
August 25th (P:?????) Lowenhurtz (W:Easy), Puerto Ricox2(W:Shemp/Kozure tie, Shemp)
August 18th (P:Shemp) Domainex2 (W:????,Easy), Castlesx2 (Shemp, Easy)
August 11th (P:Easy) Princes of Florence (W:Easy), Traders of Genoa (W:Shemp),Citadels (W:Easy)
August 4th (P: another "Bye") Castlesx3 (W:Shempx2,Kozure), Princes of FLorence (W:Kozure)
July 28th (P: ?????) Mystery of the Abbeyx2 (W:Kozure, Shemp) Zero! (W:Kozure)
July 21st (P: Shemp) El Grande King & Intrigue (W:Shemp), El Grande Grand Inquisitor & Colonies (W:Easy)
July 14th (P:Kozure) Ticket to Ridex2 (W: Shemp, Easy), Chrononautsx2 (Shemp, Shemp)
July 7th (P:Easy) Traders of Genoa (W: ?????), Tigris and Euphrates (W:Shemp), SPEED Tigris and Euphrates (W: Easy)
June 30th (P:?????) Domainex2 (W: ?????, Shemp), Carcassonex2 (W: ?????, Shemp)
June 23rd, (P: Shemp) Carcassone (vanilla)x2, Carcassonne (Builders and Traders) (W: ?????, ?????, Shemp)
June 16th, (P: Kozure) Hero Clix x2 (W: ?????, Shemp)
June 9th, (P: Easy) Corn-22 (W: Kozure), Princes of Florence (W: Easy, by one point!)
June 2nd, Session cancelled.
May 26th, (P: ?????) Settlers of Catan x 2 (Kozure won, ????? won), Mamma Mia! (W: Shemp)
May 19th, (P: Shemp) Tigris and Euphrates x2 (W:Kozure, Easy), Illuminati “One big Deck” (W:?????)
May 12th, 2004 (P:Kozure) Captain Park’s… (W:Easy), Zero! x2 (W:Shemp+Easy, Kozure+?????)
May 5th, 2004 (P:Easy) Traders of Genoa (W:Easy), Tigris and Euphrates (Partial game)
April 28th, 2004 (P: ?????) Settlers of Catan (W:Carolyn), Star Munchkins (W:Shemp)
April 21st, 2004 (P: Kozure) Deadwood x2 (W: Shemp, ?????), Wreckage (W:?????)
April 14th, 2004 (P: Shemp) El Grande (W:Easy), Hero Clix (W: 0)
April 7th, 2004 (P: Easy) Shadowrun CCG (W:Easy), Hero Clix (W: 0)
March 31st, 2004 (The “Bye”) Zombies (W:?????), Robo-Rally (W: Easy), Carcassonne (W:?????), Star Wars: Epic Duels (W:0), falling (Everyone dies)
March 24th, 2004 (P: Luch) Duel of Ages (W:Easy+Shemp), Wreckage (W:?????)
March 17th, 2004 (P: Kozure) Firefly-Trader Captains (W:Easy)
March 10th, 2004 (P: Shemp) El Grande (W: Easy), Citadels (W: 0)
March 3rd, 2004 (P: Easy) Princes of Florence x2
February 25th, 2004 (P: ?????), Citadels (W:0)
February 18th, 2004 (P: Kozure) Firefly TBG (Playtest)
February 11th, 2004 (P: Shemp) Illuminati CCG x2 (W: Easyx2)
February 4th, 2004 (P: Easy) El Grande (W: Kozure), Corn TBG (Partial/Playtest)
January 28th, 2004 (P: ?????) Puerto Rico x2 (W: Easy, Kozure)
January 21st, 2004 (P: Kozure) Wreck of the Pandora, (W:We beat the game) Kill Doctor Lucky (W:0)
January 14th, 2004 (P: Shemp) Duel of Ages (W:Shemp+?????)


  1. 1) Edited your post for pseudonymical/consistancy reasons.

    2) Come back, Easy, please come back.

  2. I edited the list to fix a few errors, and yes... my plan is to come back...
