Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Blogging awards?

I accidentally found out that, somehow, we've been nominated for an award. It's at Gone Gaming, and it's for "Best Game Club Site".

I'm really happy to discover that someone actually reads our ramblings... Until I saw that, I pretty much thought it was just me reading, and occasionaly Kozure and the rest. Now, we've put a counter on the site out of curiosity!

Anyway, thanks for the nomination, but I have to ask: Who nominated us? I asked the rest of the group, and it wasn't them.



(As I write this, it occurs to me it might be JayWowzer. Am I right?)


  1. I usually just read WAGS on my RSS feed, I suspect there are others like me. Your hit counter won't reflect the fact that I'm reading your blog.

  2. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Nope, not me, but you certainly deserve it. Your session reports are among the best reading out there, plus they include some real insight into the games themselves. Gives me something to aspire to!

    Congratulations on your nomination!
